Find Who unfriended Me on Facebook Chrome [2018 Method]

We all use Facebook to Make Friends, Chat with Friends and many more. Facebook Allows you to keep maximum 5,000 Friends. It’s not that everybody has 5,000 friends, but even if you 100’s of friends it’s not easy to get to know who unfriend’s you among your facebook friends. So today i will tell you the best solution on ‘who unfriended me on facebook chrome’ With the help of chrome extension you can find easily who deleted me on Facebook. 

Also Read : Delete Your All Facebook Messages in One Click

There are two methods, both are easy and free. Applying this both method will easily help you to get notified who Unfriend’s you. 
Note : These both methods are only for Google Chrome users .

Two Methods To Find Who unfriended Me on Facebook

1) ‘Unfriend Notify for Facebook’.        

Who unfriended Me on Facebook Chrome
  • Just Click to Add to Chrome it will get start Downloading and get installed.
  • That’s it Now you will Easily Find who Unfriended you on Facebook.
Note : This method Can be applied only if you are using Google Chrome Browser.
 2)’ Who Deleted Me’
  • Download and Install ‘Who Deleted Me’.
who deleted me - chrome extension
  • Just Click to Add to Chrome it will Start Downloading And get Installed.
who deleted me - chrome extension



  • In the above Image you can see the arrow i have pointed towards , it’s showing that extension has been installed successfully.
  • Now you can Enjoy the Free service Just by Clicking towards Extension.
I highly recommend you to get this Free Extensions and enjoy the service. It costs you nothing. If you found this Article useful, please share it on your social profiles. You can comment below for queries, i will get back to you. If you found this article useful, please share it on your social profiles.

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